Richard Raymond Endorses Missouri City Council-member Cynthia Lenton-Gary For Mayor of Missouri City!
Former candidate for district attorney and long-time Missouri City resident, Richard Raymond, announced today that he is formerly endorsing Cynthia Lenton-Gary for Mayor of the city. He said he has met with Council-member Gary on several occasions and discussed her goals for the future of the community and he believes her plan will take us in a positive and balanced direction. That combined with her energy and proactive beliefs in people gives me a great deal of hope for her administration. She is courteous and always polite in her dealings with others and was a joy to be around.
I believe the work she has done regarding several projects over the last few years helping to bring jobs and growth to the city has set the standard that she will continue as mayor. With the current budget concerns and increasing foreclosure problems I believe she is the leader we need to move Missouri City forward during these tough times.
Professor Gary responded that she is very honored by this support and appreciates Mr. Raymond’s efforts at drawing attention to some of the ethical problems in our county and local taxing entities when he ran a very spirited race for the district attorneys seat last March. I know that with his help and guidance we can move our city in the direction of a more open and transparent government, one that is responsive to all her citizens and follows the laws of the state in the spirit of ethical praxis.
Raymond concurred that he felt Ms. Gary’s tax policies will help hold the line on city spending and an ever spiraling property tax burden on its citizens. “Cynthia has voted against 2 of the last 3 tax increases and very much supports a closer examination of the proposal for a first ever universal homeowners exemption for all our residents”, said Raymond. She also agrees, unlike her opponent, that property tax rates and appraisal caps should be considered as part of a full tax relief package for our citizens.